Pimples can be a real party pooper. No one wants zits on their face, especially on their special days. Their appearance can suddenly add to your worries, but you can’t worry too much also because stress can cause more pimples!
What do you do then?
First, take a deep breath, and then read this blog to understand what pimples are and how you can prevent or manage them if they gate-crash your event.
What Are Pimples?
Pimples are small, raised bumps on the skin that appear red or discolored and may or may not be painful and pus-filled.
Depending on their appearance and the symptoms, pimples are categorized into different types.
Types of Pimples
These types of pimples can grow anywhere on the face and body.
- Blackheads – As the name suggests, these pimples have dark-colored heads. Some may also refer to them as black pimples on face. It’s basically the topmost part of the bump turning black or brown due to the oxidation of melanin. In medical terms, these are called open comedones.
- Whiteheads – You must have already guessed why these are called whiteheads, but they hold some more characteristics—they are essentially small, skin-colored zits that remain under the skin, and are also called closed comedones.
- Cysts – Cystic pimples appear as raised bumps and are filled with pus, which means, they swell in the dermis or the middle skin layer. They are red in color, usually painful, and often leave face blemishes.
- Papules – Papules are inflamed little bumps on face and body. Frequent occurrences of papules can be quite a nuisance.
- Pustules – These appear red with white centers as they hold pus in them. If these are not treated in time, they may leave scars too.
- Nodules – Nodules also run deep in the skin and are painful, but unlike the cysts, they are not filled with pus.
Anyone in any age group can develop pimples, and the reasons can vary. Read on for some common causes of pimples.
What Are the Causes of Pimples?
Before you dive into the causes of pimples on face, you must know how your skin naturally behaves.
Your skin is equipped to some extent to protect itself, but it cannot take extreme exposure to external factors that strip it of its innate beauty. The oil glands, for instance, keep your skin moisturized, but hyperactive oil glands or their clogging because of dead skin cells can lead to the formation of pimples. The oil or the sebum, the accumulating dead skin cells, and the bacteria on the skin (yes, your skin houses a gamut of bacteria and microbes, so does ours; don’t fret about it) can develop an inflammation in the form of small, raised bumps, called pimples. These small pimples on face and body may appear red or discolored and may or may not develop fluids or pus.
Other than hyperactive oil glands and excessive exposure to pimple-causing dirt and bacteria, pimples on face can be caused due to the following reasons also:
- Abnormal formation of keratin, a protein that aids the formation and development of hair, skin, and nails
- Hormonal pimples due to hormonal changes
- Frequent picking of the skin
- Squeezing existing pimples
- High humidity
- Using unsuitable cosmetics, usually oil-based products
- Inappropriate cleaning and scrubbing of the skin
- Using rough and infected towels
Different Between Acne & Pimples
Did you also think that acne and pimples are the same?
Well, they are not. Allow us to explain.
Pimples are a symptom of acne, a skin disease, but they can also make an occasional appearance on your skin if it is not acne-prone.
Pimples, as you know now, are caused when the oil glands are clogged with dead skin cells that react with bacteria. They commonly occur as a sign of inadequate skincare, but if they reoccur frequently, it could mean your skin is prone to acne and needs an expert’s opinion.
Treatment of Pimples
If your skin is not acne-prone, you won’t need treatment for pimples. A little self and skin care can help get rid of the problem. Normally, it takes 3-7 days for pimples to heal.
However, if you have acne-prone skin, pimples will make their presence felt longer on your skin and sometimes scream for medical attention.
If you are in dire need of getting rid of pimples and you know that your skin is not prone to developing acne, you may use over-the-counter pimple cream and pimple patch for spot treatment.
Your dermatologist may also recommend it at times. But if they last over 7 days, they must have grown deep, and your dermatologist may prescribe pimple cream and pimple scar removal cream as part of pimple scar treatment to lessen the appearance of its scars (only on your skin; not your heart).
You may be tempted to try some home remedies for pimples too. As long as they are safe and you are not acne-prone, you can give them a try to nourish your skin. A rule of thumb for pimple treatment at home is that if you can eat all the ingredients in your remedy, they are safe for your skin too.
How to Prevent Pimples and Pimple Scars
Your hygiene routine should ideally be enough to prevent zits on face, but if you want to go the extra mile to nurture your skin, here are some things you can follow.
- Have a Good Skin and Hair Care Regime
Pamper—just pamper your skin whenever you can. This will ensure you provide your skin with the required care to remain clean, toned, and supple. So, inculcate an effective cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and sun-protection routine, with dermatologist-approved products.
Carefully read the following steps to remember why each step of your skin routine is essential.
- The very first step, cleansing, will clean the dirt and grime.
- Toning will help clean any remaining dirt and bacteria.
- Moisturizing will help control hyperactive oil glands.
- Sunscreen will protect your skin from the free radicals that lead to pimples.
Your hair and scalp also need an equal amount of care as an oily scalp can lead to pimples on forehead and your face.
- Use Soft, Antibacterial Towels
Don’t scroll past this point just yet thinking you know it all. No matter how much anyone harks about the truth of quality, soft towels, it is often taken for granted.
Your post-bath or post-cleansing routine must include an antibacterial, soft, super-absorbent towel to ensure your skin gets the additional pampering it deserves, and that too in the safest way possible. So, switch to safer towels, such as Doctor Towels Bath, Hand, Hair, Face, and Makeup Remover Towels. It will be the best move you will have made for your skin, we promise.
If it's your baby troubled by pimples, try switching to our Baby Towels and provide your little one extra protection.
Our towels are made with the softest natural yarn, which is innately antibacterial, but we have also given it an additional Australian-formulated antimicrobial layer for added protection.
- Use Appropriate Skin and Hair Care Products
You already know that your clogged and hyperactive oil glands are some of the root causes for pimples. Therefore, the most logical thing to avoid is oil-free skin and hair care products. Also shun the ones that contain parabens, fragrances, and silicone as they often block pores with dirt and oils, leading to more pimples.
- Do not Pick or Squeeze Pimples
While it might be tempting to pop a pimple, it is never recommended. Yes. Some of us have popped them and gotten rid of them some time, but you are also likely to push the infected puss deeper into the skin and worsen the situation. In case it is necessary to pop one, your dermatologist should recommend so and carry out the procedure using properly sanitized medical tools. Otherwise, it is always better to let the pimple heal by itself.
- Check Your Diet
Your skin reflects what you consume. Therefore, stick to a healthy diet and avoid foods that induce pimple or acne eruptions, such as dairy, sugar, fried and greasy foods, alcohol, and processed foods.
Incorporate lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, opt for homecooked foods instead of takeaways, and drink 2-3 liters of water every day to help your body flush the toxins out and improve healing.
Now that you have acquired some more knowledge about pimples and “popped” any misconceptions, go ahead and manage your skin health with the tips we have given herein, and prevent those pesky small bumps on face and body from playing the antagonist in your movie.