Banana Gym Towels


How to choose the perfect gym towel?

Use a gym towel that is made to keep germs and bacteria at bay. Exercising releases toxins from your body, andgyms, parks, etc., could be breeding grounds for bacteria. You must, therefore,use a gym towel that has antibacterial properties to prevent skin issues, such as acne and pimples, and is low maintenance.

How many times should you use a gym towel?

You should use your gym towel only once after every wash. Be sure to purchase a bunch of high-quality workout towels, so they last longer while remaining soft despite multiple washes. Also, remember to use a mild detergent to maintain its texture.

How long should a gym towel be?

Ideally, a gym or workout towel should be 75 x 50 cm, which is approximately the size we make ours in. However, you can also go for the smaller ones (the Mini Banana Fitness Towels) that fold compact and can be easily kept in your pocket during your workout sessions.